Tuesday, April 13, 2010

C's Day 1: Cranky....oh so cranky.

So yesterday was the first day of this "Eat to Live" vegan regime for me and H. I think my body instantly knew that something was up and decided that it would have none of it. First I was barfy, then I was bloated...and then there was the GAS. Dear reader, I am sure that at this point you are glad that you are reading this safely behind your computer and not sitting near me. Here's how the day went, sorted by food item and physiological reaction:

7:00 am: Mixed berry smoothie with tofu and nut milk
9:00 am: Stomach decided that it did not like soy before noon. Barfiness ensues.
11 am: Still barfy. Doing CM, talking to Maria while trying not to hurl.
12:00 pm: Lunch of vegan channa masala. Stomach forgives me and decideds to quasi-cooperate. Not without doing a couple of flips first though.
3:00 pm: Brain reminds me that I didn't have coffee yet.
5:00 pm: Off work! First stop, Starbucks and a tall hazelnut soy latte. Ahh....comfort in a cup!
6:00 pm: Gorged on Kimchi to stave off hunger. Gassy.
7:00 pm: Dinner of wholewheat soba noodles with mixed veggies in miso broth. Gassy.
9:00 pm: Plate of strawberries while bitching loudly on the phone to H. Bloated.

So today, Day 2, I smartened up and decided: A) to have coffee in the morning and B) not to put tofu in my smoothie. And bravo, it worked! I was exactly 2 degrees less of bitchiness today!

They tell me it'll get better. Probably....but I think I'll stock up on the Beano.

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